MOI 2023 Kickoff
The 2023 edition of the moroccan olympiads in informatics has started! These olympiads are the opportunity for secondary and high school students to develop important skills in algorithmics and problem solving and to participate in national, regional and international competitions.
The registration is open from July 20th 2022.
There are two paths for MOI: MOI and MOI Junior. MOI Junior is meant for student who are beginners in programming and algorithmics. MOI concerns confirmed students who already have some experience and ultimately aims to prepare the team that will represent Morocco at the IOI.
For more details on the sign up conditions, please refer to the forms below.
Sign up for MOI 2023
Sign up for MOI Junior 2023
The qualification round will be held on the 31st of December. It will last for 24 hours. A candidate who is not officially registered at MOI (or MOIJ) 2023 will not be able to take part in this round.
For any questions, please join the official MOI Discord server.
![MOI 2023 Schedule](/assets/moi_schedule.jpeg)